2020年2月8日 星期六

The Prince of Egypt - The Plagues (埃及王子 - 瘟疫 / 十災)

2019,11,8  週五



[CHOIR]  [合唱]

(Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord  主如此說,主如此說 

Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord  主如此說,主如此說 

Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord   主如此說,主如此說 

Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord)  主如此說,主如此說 

Since you refuse to free my people  既然你拒絕讓我的人民自由

(Since you refuse to free my people)  (既然你拒絕讓我的人民自由)


All through the land of Egypt  遍布埃及的土地

I send a pestilence and plague  我將讓瘟疫和鼠患


Into your house, into your bed  蔓延每座房子、每張床上

Into your streams, into your streets  滿佈每條河流、每條街道

Into your drink, into your bread  汙染所有飲水、所有食物

Upon your cattle, on your sheep  降臨在你的牲口和家禽上

Upon your oxen in your field  降臨在田野裡的公牛身上

Into your dreams, into your sleep  使你夢裡難安、夜不成眠


Until you break, until you yield  直到你崩潰,直到你哀號

I send the swarm, I send the horde  我將派出成群的蚊蟲

Thus saith the Lord  主如此說


[MOSES]  [摩西]

Once I called you brother  曾經我喚你為兄弟

Once I thought the chance to make you laugh  曾經我是這麼想的,只要能讓你露出笑容

Was all I ever wanted  就是我畢生所求


[CHOIR]  [合唱]

I send the thunder from the sky  我讓天空落下閃電

I send the fire raining down  我在大地降下火雨


[MOSES]  [摩西]

And even now I wish that God had chose another  即使到現在,我仍希望上帝選擇其他人

Serving as your foe on his behalf  代表祂的意志與你敵對

Is the last thing that I wanted  是我最不想做的事


[CHOIR]  [合唱]

I send a hail of burning ice  我讓滾燙冰雹在

On ev'ry field, on ev'ry town  每片田地、每座城鎮落下 

[MOSES]  [摩西]

This was my home  這裡曾是我的家

All this pain and devastation  這些痛苦和災難

How it tortures me inside  是如此地折磨我

All the innocent who suffer  這些無辜人民之所以受苦

From your stubbornness and pride  全都起於你的固執和驕傲!

[CHOIR]  [合唱]

I send the locusts on the wind  我釋放蝗蟲   隨風

Such as the world has never seen  規模前所未有的

On ev'ry leaf, on ev'ry stalk  降落在所有葉片及枝幹

Until there's nothing left of green  直到這片土地再也沒有綠意

I send my scourge, I send my sword  我將降下災難,揮出利刃!

Thus saith the Lord   主如此說!


[MOSES]  [摩西]

You who I called brother  我曾經稱為兄弟的人啊

Why must you call down another blow?  為什麼你一定要自招詛咒?

[CHOIR]  [合唱]

I send my scourge, I send my sword  我將降下災難,揮出利刃

[MOSES]  [摩西]

Let my people go  讓我的人民走吧

[CHOIR]  [合唱]

Thus saith the Lord  主如此說

[MOSES & CHOIR]  [摩西與合唱]

Thus saith the Lord  主如此說 

[RAMESES]  [拉姆西斯(法老王)]

You who I called brother  我曾經稱為兄弟的人啊

How could you have come to hate me so?  你怎麼會恨我到如此?

Is this what you wanted?  這就是你想要的嗎?

[CHOIR]  [合唱]

I send the swarm, I send the horde  我將派出成群的蚊蟲

[RAMESES]  [拉姆西斯(法老王)]

Then let my heart be hardened  那就讓我狠下心來

And never mind how high the cost may grow  不計一切代價

This will still be so:  我的命令不變

I will never let your people go  我絕不會讓你的人民離開

[CHOIR]  [合唱]

Thus saith the Lord  主如此說  

[MOSES] [摩西]

Thus saith the Lord  主如此說  

[RAMESES]  [拉姆西斯(法老王)]

I will not......   我絕不會......

[(MOSES) & RAMESES & CHOIR]  [(摩西)&拉姆西斯(法老王)&合唱]

...let your (my) people go!  讓你(我)的人民走!


